The Best Budget & Spending Tips for Budapest, Hungary

Currency used in Hungary

These are Hungarian Fonts, the currency used in Budapest. To us Americans, they’re strange because they have high numerical values but low currency value. The best place to take out the money in Budapest is at any Budapest Bank. The transaction rate is about 300 HUF is $1 USD or 360 HUF is 1 Euro. This general exchange rate will help in your best budget tips for Budapest.

My Budget for Budapest

  • $54 USD one-way flight from Venice Mestre to Budapest International Airport
  • $204 USD for a 3-night stay at an Airbnb (Late March on Weekend Stay)
  • $20 USD for public transport tickets (Including airport transfer)
  • $175 USD for food and drink
  • $453 USD TOTAL for a 3-night stay in Budapest & flight from Venice Mestre Airport

The Best Budget Tips & How to Spend Money in Budapest

  • Take advantage of the cheap and reliable public transport!
  • Save plenty of money for eating and drinking out because Budapest restaurants are some of the most unique in Europe
  • Almost all places accept card but make sure to take out some cash for various activities such as donating to the church or synagogue

Remember if you would like to learn more about Budapest, Hungary, then you can visit my all-inclusive guide for free here!

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