Where to Eat – The Best Restaurants in Vienna, Austria

Like I said earlier, Vienna is old money, with old money comes lots of tradition. After the old money cafes, wiener schnitzel comes in for dinner. That original Vienna wiener schnitzel is made of veal, make sure you at least try it, even if you don’t like veal. Figlmuller serves this original schnitzel as well as their own original Figlmuller Schnitzel, the first-ever pork schnitzel. The wait for dinnertime will be long, so I’d recommend getting there for an early dinner if possible (I had around a 30-minute wait outside in a line). You will spend a decent amount of money for what seems like just fried meat, but the portion size will amaze you once your plate comes around, so make sure you build up an appetite before going to Figlmuller. Menu and more info for Figlmuller, home of the schnitzel, is found here.

Remember if you would like to learn more about any of the places included in my best restaurants for Vienna, Austria, then you can visit my all-inclusive guide for free here!

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