The Best Budget & Spending Tips for Barcelona, Spain

My Budget for Barcelona

  • $118 USD one-way flight from Pisa to Barcelona
  • $406 USD for a 5-night stay at an Airbnb (Late May)
  • $40 USD for public transport tickets (Including airport transfer)
  • $300 USD for food & drink
  • $864 USD TOTAL for a 5-night stay in Barcelona & flight from Pisa airport

The Best Budget Tips & How to Spend Money in Barcelona

  • One of my best budget tips for Barcelona is that you should plan on using lots of public transport because it’s a huge city
  • Buy from the markets instead of sitting at restaurants to save some money and eat good, if not better food! (Remember to get cash for these markets)
  • Pick and choose your activities wisely, most activities such as the Sagrada Familia & Park Guell will be slightly expensive but they balance out with free activities such as the National Palace and Ciutadella Park

Remember if you would like to learn more about any of the places included in my best budget tips for Barcelona, Spain, then you can visit my all-inclusive guide for free here!

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